You may have noticed some changes.

First of all: the “Vote for Sophie” button now always appear on all pages. Please vote, it’ll give me a real morale boost. Also take the time to look at what other webcomics are on the Top Webcomics site, there are some brilliant ones.

Another change the more design-minded of you will notice is that the new Uniting a Kingdom page DOES NOT HAVE COMIC SANS! It took me a while to convince Billy that this is a good idea. All new updates are lettered with a font called Digi-something-or-other (why when I try and get the proper font to tell you all about it, it’s disappeared from the face of the list?)

And on a completely unrelated note, as you are reading this I am walking to the Ufizzi in Florence to go check out Venus and her Graces. Yes, you may be jealous, I don’t mind, it’s FREAKIN AWESOME!

[EDIT 2019: we’ve since stopped the comic, so no voting for it; also we’ve moved across to a completely different website editor. Still not a fan of comic sans]

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