
We decided that it would be a good idea to have a dedicated place in our DVD shelf for borrowed and taken out DVDs.

Being Afrikaans, in stead of labelling it “taken out” or “rentals” to use the Afrikaans word, “uitgeneem”.  It is laser engraved in reverse at the back of the transparent Plexiglas, which was bent at 90 degrees to fit exactly over the shelf.


We are currently borrowing Modern Family from a friend, and the other five was rented from Cinema@Home.  You might notice that The Squid and the Whale is not in the Cinema@Home packaging, this is because the excellent employees at the store went into the back room to get it out for us, as it is not currently on the shelves.

The choice of transparent Plexiglas was influenced by the Spike Jonze movie Her.

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