November 14, 2022 / / VISUAL
January 15, 2020 / / VISUAL
January 8, 2020 / / VISUAL
February 19, 2019 / / VISUAL
October 1, 2018 / / VISUAL
September 30, 2018 / / VISUAL
September 20, 2018 / / VISUAL
May 31, 2018 / / VISUAL
May 18, 2018 / / VISUAL


The frangipani is an exotic, sweet-smelling, beautiful little flower. I wore fabric frangipani’s in my hair on my wedding day. My mother had a bouquet of frangipanis on her wedding day. For me there will always be this sweet connotation between the frangipani and the Bride. But.

May 11, 2018 / / VISUAL



“Worker bees are always female.” I read this statement as a child. But given what we know now about gender and that it is not binary, I have to question whether the little honey bees in my lavender bushes are female

March 1, 2018 / / VISUAL
February 15, 2018 / / VISUAL
February 9, 2018 / / VISUAL
November 1, 2017 / / VISUAL

Now the seal is a strange creature, in’it? Not particularly beautiful, yet graceful in the water. Playful. We look into the seal’s big black eyes and wish we could wrap ourselves in her skin, that we could rather gaze on the beautiful woman we perceive. We would entrap and enslave her, we would have her bear our children, perfect children, and we would tap all joy from her life to satisfy our own momentary desires.

July 26, 2017 / / VISUAL

“I don’t know if you’re aware of this, Josephine, but African parrots, in their native homes of the Congo, they only speak French?”

June 28, 2017 / / VISUAL
June 18, 2017 / / VISUAL



The very first set of paintings I had up at an exhibition in a real art gallery (as opposed to the community hall) contained a panel where a hummingbird and a dragon play a macabre tug-of-war

May 6, 2017 / / VISUAL

My falcon is unequivocally, unambiguously, uncompromisingly a symbol for Artemis

April 22, 2017 / / VISUAL


March 14, 2017 / / VISUAL
February 8, 2017 / / VISUAL
January 26, 2017 / / VISUAL