What did we do before Google? Not spend hours perusing the interwebs, that’s for sure.
And what have I found on my journey this morning? Lots of pretty pictures!
May I present to you: Art! Look at the marks and the content and just plain how beautiful these works are. Which ones speak to you? What are they saying?
Adriaan van Zyl
Hospital Still Life II
Oil on Board
31 x 42cm
Colin Richards
Medical Illustration done between 1977 and 1985
From this articleon a recent exhibition: “his laboriously meticulous mark making, themselves a trace of the artist”.
Colin Self
Still Life with Art Deco Goldfish Bowl, Curtain and Shells
Graphite on Paper
255 x 319 mm
Digital Illustration
Little Red Riding Hood
Illustration for Harper Collins
Into the Night
Marital Aftermath
Mixed Media
24″ x 48″
(I put all the details I could find, plus links where there were nice websites. If you have more info for me, please let me know. Thanks.)