Creative Fisheries Posts

July 28, 2018 / / TACTILE
June 15, 2018 / / TACTILE

At the end of last year my colleagues and family alike all shared the sentiment “I’m glad thís year is over! It was truly hectic”. I started to worry because I realised that it is actually the same thing we say to each other every year-end. It’s as if we rush through each year, rest for the week between Christmas and New Year and then we start all over again. And before we know it our lives are over and we say things like “What did I do with my life?” and “I wish I appreciated the little moments more”.

I know that mindfulness can help with this, but I wondered what else I can do to enjoy my moments here on earth. One of the solutions I came up with (I won’t bore you with all of them now) was to really notice and enjoy each season and not just always wish it was winter (my favourite season!).

May 31, 2018 / / VISUAL
May 18, 2018 / / VISUAL


The frangipani is an exotic, sweet-smelling, beautiful little flower. I wore fabric frangipani’s in my hair on my wedding day. My mother had a bouquet of frangipanis on her wedding day. For me there will always be this sweet connotation between the frangipani and the Bride. But.

May 11, 2018 / / VISUAL



“Worker bees are always female.” I read this statement as a child. But given what we know now about gender and that it is not binary, I have to question whether the little honey bees in my lavender bushes are female

May 9, 2018 / / BLOG
March 30, 2018 / / VISUAL

The Undine is an old story of a water-sprite who marries a human boy. But she doesn’t have a soul.

March 28, 2018 / / VISUAL
March 27, 2018 / / BLOG

March 26, 2018 / / TACTILE

A gift for my mother: a candleholder-installation. My son Finn had picked up the rocks – his gift-rocks. And I made the lions, and Willem made the hole for the tea light candle.

March 25, 2018 / / TACTILE

Eileithyia is the Greek Goddess of Childbirth. To appeal to her aid, offerings of honey should be made. She is associated with snakes and with Artemis – hence the frog image here.

March 1, 2018 / / VISUAL
February 15, 2018 / / VISUAL
February 9, 2018 / / VISUAL
January 31, 2018 / / TACTILE
December 21, 2017 / / TACTILE


Most people would, upon seeing this picture, think “cute” and that would be that.

But around the same time I saw this kitten, I also saw these bears. “Cute”.

But not me.

Oh no.

Thinking “cute” is too easy.

I had to immediately whittle a cat.

December 17, 2017 / / TACTILE
December 15, 2017 / / TACTILE
December 14, 2017 / / TACTILE
December 13, 2017 / / BLOG

So you know how, when you view Creative Fisheries on a mobile device / non-computer screen?

It like, totally sucks.

And in addition, in stead of the sleek beautiful fonts we had chosen

Webfonts went ahead and broke the fonts and then it looked like