When given white roses, there is only one thing to do.
Category: BLOG
So you know how, when you view Creative Fisheries on a mobile device / non-computer screen?
It like, totally sucks.
And in addition, in stead of the sleek beautiful fonts we had chosen
Webfonts went ahead and broke the fonts and then it looked like
So you know that feeling when your to-do list is 101 pages long (and that is only for the list of personal art projects you have ideas for, I haven’t even counted the should-do list) and you go visit your mother and she’s like “I’m giving up knitting for crocheting and I’ll be using cotton exclusively here’s all my knitting supplies and your dead grandmother’s knitting supplies too” and it’s a stash that’s bigger than your stash at home is and your mind says “where will I keep it?” but your craft fingers reach in and pull out 25 mm needles and the softest wool you’ve ever experienced and you just have to immediately start knitting up a cable scarf that is going to be too warm to ever wear because of climate change and you just don’t care because it’s the most wonderful wool you’ve ever knitted with?
The EWT has a drive to reduce the public’s consumption of single-use plastic.
So how can we stop strangling sea turtles?
The EWT has a drive to reduce the public’s consumption of single-use plastic.
So how can we stop strangling sea turtles?