So back in the day when I untethered from social networks, I could see only the benefits of letting go: saving time, saving energy, spending more face time with colleagues and friends.
But now with a Creative Fisheries design up for scoring on Threadless, I yearn for ability to broadcast, for feedback.
Oh well. There’s still email. And we got this great response from our friend the-guy-who-originally-designed-this-site-and-who-is-probably-going-to-cringe-when-I-start-hacking-it-to-pieces-in-December:
It looks really cool, but I was super disappointed that the QR code doesn’t scan :P!
So I googled a bit and made my own for chaotik, and it still works (you can obscure up to 30% of the generated QR code).
Check it out:
And once again (for only the second time now) I wish that I too had a smart phone to try it out.
Okay now I need to ask a beeeg favour:
If you are not like me and you are on the social network thing, won’t you please share this link with your friends/followers/minions and ask them to give it a $5: