Go read this.

I look at these webcomic pages.

I’m happy with the colours. With the shadows. With the textures. W. has promised to work on the speach bubbles – we decided on a new font. My mother and his grandmother want printed copies.

But I look at some of these pages, and I grimace. The bodies are all out of proportion. The faces all look likeme. The story jumps too much.

I attended a comic short course through the Open Window earlier this year. Made all the classic “rookie”mistakes. Things I have been doing since page one of chapter one.

Then Evan Dahn, who is my hero, asks us to please please produce the best webcomics that we can. He produces the most beautiful webcomic out there. I feel like such a fraud in comparison.

Maybe, instead of plundering ahead with this webcomic, I should focus on my drawing and storytelling skills first.

That way, the webcomic will be the best it can be.

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