Hi guys
So let me just spit this out: I’ve decided to put Uniting a Kingdom on ice.
Oh come on, it’s not like I was getting paid for it.
But seriously, I have about 20 other projects and I find myself wanting to rather work on those. I am on a mission to finish things that I start. And there are a lot of things that I’ve started. And I want a proper garden and my workload at work (you know, the thing that makes it possible for me to buy food and toilet paper) has increased.
I plan to keep the Esmerelda spot going and if there are flashes of inspiration (as often happens) there will be updates. I plan to use this blog spot as a “this is what I did this week” but it probably won’t be very regular.
My suggestion is, if you want to keep up with the Creative Fisheries and what’s happening, use the RSS button below or follow me on twitter or join the Facebook page. That way, if something does happen, you’ll be notified. Or you can just click on the Creative Fisheries link on your Chrome homepage once a week or so to see whether something had happened.
But Sophie and Ethan’s story probably won’t advance for a while.