Take a deep breath. You are here.

Whether you have a wide view


Zaria Forman

Greenland #41

Soft Pastel on Paper



Or a narrow view.
art by Alex losett, painting Disturbance

Alex Losett


Oil on Canvas


You are here.

Images like these, painted with such presence that it is felt even across the boundaries of a computer monitor, remind us that Nature will always prevail, and make us question our own significance.

But on the other hand, the water plays an important role in soothing us. Water draws us in. We are made of water, and our bodies and minds long for a connection with water.

These paintings provide a balm for a busy mind: reminding us to attend to all that is around us, the details and the wider view. Both perspectives are important.



EDIT: I was asked to share this link about Zaria Forman, whose work is definitely worth checking out. Enjoy! Zaria Forman on Artsy

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